Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It is especially important for individuals with limited sun exposure to include good sources of vitamin D in their diet!

D Vitamin recommendations

1–70 years of age: 600 IU/day (200 IU is 5 μg equivalent) & 600IU is 15 μg!

The upper level intakes for vitamin D are:
9-71+ years of age: 4,000 IU

European Union

The Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) in the EU for vitamin D is 5 µg.

Australia and New Zealand
31–50 yr 5.0 μg /day

D Vitamin and Mortality

below 17.8 ng/ml was independently associated with an increase in all-cause mortality in the general population.[143] However it has been pointed out that increased mortality was also found in those with higher concentrations, (above 50 ng/ml).

Can I get too much vitamin D?

You can’t get too much vitamin D from the sun or from eating foods that are high in vitamin D. However, taking too much of a vitamin D supplement can be harmful. Research has shown that the maximum amount of vitamin D a teen should get is 4000 IU, and the minimum is or 600 IU.

Getting enough D Vitamin

Being active outside on a sunny day, drinking milk, and drinking or eating nutritious foods fortified with vitamin D such as fortified orange juice will give you enough of this important vitamin to keep your body fit and strong!